March 31, 2008

Weekend Recap...

Where did the weekend go? It really went by too fast!

afternoon, when I got home from work, I helped Jeremy finish up the backyard. One of his tenants moved out and left a ton of astro-turf. We put it in our backyard and it looks great. It looks like golf course grass! We picked up Lil'D and played on the new turf. Lil'D had fun. Jeremy left for his soccer at 6:45. Lil'D went to bed at 7:30 and I decided I was going to clean the entire house!! This is what I got done:

  • organized all my clothes in the closet
  • cleaned up my entire bedroom
  • washed and dryed the bath rugs
  • washed and dryed all white clothes
  • washed all dark clothes
  • bleached all the kitchen counters
  • cleaned the dining room table with glass cleaner
  • unloaded the dishwasher, reloaded and ran it
  • picked up all of Lil'Ds toys

I finally sat down at 10:30pm. I was tired! Jeremy got home at about 10:45 from his soccer game. They had made the playoffs and lost.

we had planned on finishing up the turf in the backyard, but Jeremy's brother needed help with replacing his water heater. Jeremy, Jeremy's brother and Jeremy's dad worked on that water heater all day. Things kept happening and they needed more supplies, they finally finished at 6pm. Jeremy was exhausted and had lost his voice. He had caught a cold. Lil'D and I walked to Jamba Juice with Auntie E and the kids (Andy, Z, & Nate). The kids wore Lil'D out. They bought everyone pizza for lunch. They also bought dinner. We had Pat & Oscar's...yummy. Jeremy and I did absolutely nothing on Saturday night. I had taken a nap when Lil'D did so I wasn't tired and stayed up till 1am. That is all we did all day.

Sunday we slept in. Lil'd let me sleep until about 7:50am. Lil'D and I had breakfast, cleaned up his room, watched The Doodlebops and the Mickey Mouse Club, finished all the laundry that need washing, drying and then folded it all. Jeremy finally got up at about 10:45am. He took us to Soup Plantation for lunch. It was yummy. Lil'D had lots of salad with ranch. He still doesn't like bread. He wouldn't try the soup yet either. He was hesitant to try the ice cream. I got him a little in a mini cone. I took the top off and gave the cone to him and he was stickin his finger in it. Then he decided he liked it and ate the whole thing. Then he wanted bites of Jeremy's. He couldn't get enough of that! After lunch we went to the grocery store. Lil'D rode in the cart with a car attached and seemed to get bored with it this time. He was ready to get out when we were done. After the grocery store we went home, put all the groceries away and it was time to put Lil'D down for a nap. J and I did nothing...totally relaxed! Lil'D woke up at 4:15. We went to Jeremy's parents house for my family birthday party. Jeremy's mom made a strawberry cake for me. It was yummy! By the way, Lil'D loves cake! He entertained everyone with his tiger growl and his jumping off of the piano bench. He would jump to his feet and then fall forward onto his stomach and laugh and look at everybody. He had everyone's attention. He also answered a very important question this weekend:

Mommy: What is your favorite color?

Lil'D: RED!

He doesn't know his colors yet, but he knew, very insistently, that RED was his favorite color. When we got home from the birthday party Jeremy and Lil'D chased each other throughout the house. They were both worn out. Lil'D got his bath and went to bed without a peep. Jeremy and I had the lights out at 9pm, we were tired and wanted to get a good night sleep before the week started.

Until tomorrow

♥ Elliemae

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