August 20, 2007

It's been a while...

Here is my Monday Unconscious mutterings:)
  1. Darling :: Shirley Temple
  2. Majesty :: 's Secret Service
  3. Pebble :: Stream
  4. Fate :: Green
  5. Instant :: Oatmeal
  6. Screen :: Play
  7. Unplugged :: Outlet
  8. Dairy :: Cow
  9. Benefactor :: Money
  10. Market :: Fish
For more of these visit here.
What has been happening...
I have just been I have just had so much to do I haven't had time for my dear blog, whom I love so much. Time is just flying by and there is always just so much to do. AND it's hot here. It was 90 degrees and humid the whole weekend. It's just not supposed to be that hot here. I don't have air conditioning either. Boo.
Here is a re-cap of my weekend:

We got the grocery store done today instead of on Sunday afternoon. Lil'D is still taking his morning nap, probably because it's so hot. We are limiting him to 1 hour in the morning so that he takes a good afternoon nap. After his nap we went to UTC mall. We had lunch and a certain purse kept calling my name all week, so I visited the purse and you will never guess how much I paid for it!!!!! So here is the story, I took my niece out to dinner on her birthday on Wednesday. We went to Macy's afterward. My niece's favorite color is orange, so we were looking at everything orange. I found a Kathy Van Zeeland bag that was orange. It was just adorable! Original price was $79.00. It was marked down 20% to $59.00. I thought about the bag all week. I told J about it. So we went to Macy's. There was a new sale sign that said additional 50% off. I got the bag for $29.00. I can't believe it. I wasn't going to buy it if it was $59.00 cause that is just spending too much money. I got a new purse!!! I love purses!!! They are my favorite thing!!! So after my purse came home with me Lil'D took his afternoon nap. I did a little cleaning in the office/guest bedroom. It was just so darn hot, I couldn't do a whole lot without wanting to pass out from the heat. I had 2 plastic bins full of old purses. I narrowed down everything I wanted to keep to one bin. The other bin I am going to sell on ebay!! I have been saying this for months. I'm was really going to do it this time!!! When Lil'D woke up it was time to go to Grandma Ham's for my niece's family birthday party. I found her an orange Kathy Van Zeeland wallet. (I found this before I bought my purse) We had cake and ice cream and got back home around 5pm. J and I took Lil'D over to Auntie E's and we went to the Padres game at 7pm with some friends. We even took the trolley downtown. It was like old times before we had Lil'D. It was a nice time. We didn't get home till 10:45pm. We put Lil'D to bed and I set up an Ebay seller account!!

We got up at 7:15 and got to church at 8:20am. After church we got lunch and went to CostCo for water and diapers. We were in for a long, hot afternoon. J set up a ton of fans and they really cooled the place down. I posted my first item on ebay. Wanna see it? Click here. I'm so happy I finally did it!!! I'm gonna post more now that I know how to do it!!
I eventually fell asleep during Lil'D's second nap. I woke up super crabby. That is why I hate naps. I sometimes just wake up in the worst mood if I take one. We took a trip to Home Depot to get some ant spray and then got dinner. The heat just seems to hang on lately, even after 6pm. Yuck, it just needs to go away! We got Lil'D to bed and I just sat down and relaxed and got to bed at 9:15...yeah me!!!

Now that it's Monday, it's back to work. I am just working away. I am trying to re-build my Barn file that I lost 4 weeks on last week. We have to go to the jobsite tomorrow...and it begins rest for the wicked!

-Until tomorrow

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