January 13, 2009

God's Word in my ear...

Ok, I have added the most important thing in my life to my day!!! I want to eventually get up at 5am every morning so that I can have quiet time with the Lord. I just haven't done it yet. I get up at 6:20 and barely make it to work by 8am. I really need to work on that. I should be getting to work at 7:30 so that I can leave early!! No one holds me accountable to this, so as long as I get to work by 8:30 I am not late.

Have you heard about these:

My pastor talked about making reading the bible a priority in 2009. He gave away a GoBible in every service. I was really excited about these and immediately went to their website: Gobible.com. They are actually pretty cool. Here are the features:

  • You can choose from the KJV, NIV, or NKJV.

  • It is searchable by book, by chapter, and, for the first time in an audio Bible, by over 31,000 individual verses!

  • It makes God’s Word accessible to everyone by including a Story Index of over 200 popular Bible stories, a Topic Index, and a “Bible in a Year” study plan.

That is pretty cool, huh? What is the hang up you ask?

The price is $99.95. My husband bought me an ipod nano in 2005. I have a first generation and have taken great care of it. I have no intention of buying a new mp3 player considering how much they are priced right now. I am blessed to have one at all! GoBible is just not in my budget right now at all. So, here is my solution:

I googled free+bible+mp3+niv and came up with this site:

Jesus Christ Saves Ministries

I downloaded the entire bible in the New International Version to my computer and then popped it into itunes and synced with my ipod!!!

Yesterday on the way home from work I listened to 27 minutes of Matthew. It was awesome!!! This morning on the way into work I listened to over 30 more minutes of Matthew. I am so happy having God's word in my ear!!! This, of course, is not going to replace God's word in any way. But getting a daily dose of God's word in my ear is great! I will still keep my other 5am goal in the future. I just needed this, now!

If you want other versions, here they are in mp3 format:



Kaydee said...

After we talked on Sunday, I meant to look into alternatives to the GoBible. Thanks for doing it for me!

I have a iPod mini so I need to clear off some songs to make room. I am pretty excited to check out the KJV version!

See you on Saturday for some serious shopping!

Jenny said...

Yay! My hubby and I have vowed to read the entire bible together this year. We were reading it out loud, but then were able to get a complete version for itunes from a friend. It's so nice, isn't it? Modern technology is great!

Sending special hugs your way! I've been a bad bloggy friend lately. I promise to keep up now that the holidays have slowed down!