September 7, 2005

Middle of the week already!!

Only two more days till the weekend! Wa-hoo! This week has been stressful so far. Tuesday alone was just plain bad. Too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I only worked 8 1/2 hours today and I only worked 8 hours yesterday. The less hours I work the more behind I get. I don't know what to do to catch up. Tomorrow will always be better!

J & I went to our small group tonight. We started a new study. The book we are reading is In the Footsteps of Faith by John F. MacArthur. I really like it. Tonight we talked about Noah. How much faith did he have, huh? Can you imagine being Noah, building a boat, trying to talk people into coming with you, dealing with the weird stares, people laughing at him and thinking he was crazy. It took him 120 years to build the ark. Noah had never ever seen a ship before or the ocean. It hardly ever rained where he was, so he had never seen a flood before or much rain for that matter. Noah never questioned God, not once. He simply obeyed. Even Moses complained and gave excuses for why he couldn't ask Pharoah to free the people when God first told him to do it. The Bible has such amazing stories to dig deep into and to study more up close!!

Here are pictures of my little ones:

Shadow trying to hide Posted by Picasa

Shadow Posted by Picasa

Dark trying to hide Posted by Picasa

Dark Posted by Picasa

They were being silly tonight so I thought I would get some pictures of them. Shadow is only 4 months old. She is a nut. She entertains us so much right now! She attacks everything. Dark is 9 years old, she is a lovebug. She is the sweetest girl. Dark & Shadow (get it Dark Shadow...ha,ha!) get along most of the time. Dark is definitely the boss right now. It's her way or the highway! Fat was Dark's sister, she passed away in April. We really miss her alot. Here is a picture of Fat:

Fat in the box! Posted by Picasa
She was such a lover! She loved you 24/7. She was not a typical cat. In fact, she would act like a dog alot of the time. She fetched, she barked and she wagged her tail constantly when she was happy, which was ALL the time!! We felt like Dark was lonely, that is why we got Shadow. Shadow reminds us of Fat from time to time. J is teaching her to fetch. She is already showing signs of trying to be a dog too! Pets are so wonderful to have. I wouldn't want to live without them!
-Until Tomorrow

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