December 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...

Is there anything I can say about this?

December 5, 2008

Adventures with Lil'D...

Let's bake cupcakes together!!

While Jeremy went to the Charger/Raider game, Lil'D and I spent last night making cupcakes together. We had a really great time. He didn't want to go to bed he was having so much fun. Jeremy came home happy because the Raiders lost 34-7!!

December 4, 2008

7 Random Things...

I was tagged a couple of weeks ago by Jenny at Dailydose of Motherhood. I am supposed to list 7 random things about myself. I am finally taking the time to post my list:

I really love Hello Kitty. I have no idea why. Since I moved to California in 1996, I have always been obsessed with her. Now I do not have a ridiculous collection or anything. I only have a few things. But, when I see something hello kitty I just have to have it!

I bite my nails. It is such a horrible habit. I have tried many many times to quit. I have quit and then started back up again. I had acrylic nails for a long time, but it is such a waste of money. I am in a biting mode right now and I hope to completely break this habit one day.

I don't like chocolate cake, brownies or chocolate ice cream. I know, I'm weird. I get told that all the time. I can eat candy bars and m&m's like there is no tomorrow, but put brownies in my house and I won't touch them! It's kind of a blessing right now since I'm trying to loose weight!!

I have social anxiety. I get really nervous in front of a group of people. My heart starts pounding so hard it's almost painful and my hands start to sweat, I even start to shake sometimes. The crazy thing is that all the years that I was a twirler I could get up in front of a crowd of a thousand people and have no problem, but if I have to talk it's just so painful I just want to run away! Even if it's a small group of say 5 of my friends, that I know really well, I clam up and have nothing to say unless I am asked a question. I'm always the quiet one. I'm much better with one on one, sometimes you just can't shut me up I have so much to say.

Right now I really love chinese food! I LOVE orange chicken and bejing beef from Panda Express and I LOVE house special chicken from Pick Up Stix. I could eat it everyday!!

I can wiggle my ears. I have been able to do this since I was in elementary school.

I love rain, I love snow, I love cold weather (probably because I miss it so much). I get so excited if it's cool enough at night to wear a sweatshirt! I miss the season change. All the years I lived in Texas I took the weather for granted. I love it when it it sounds, how it smells. It's rained like 4 times this year. I never see snow and I have to go out of my way to drive down a certain street that has trees that change with the season. (like I have time to do this)BUT, I love the beach and cool weather! I hardly ever go to the beach in the summer, it just gets so hot and miserable. I love it on a windy day! I really love it on a cold day! There is something about walking on the beach, holding hands with my sweetie, while the sun sets and we are all bundled up because it's freezing!!!! Weird...I know!

Well, that is it. That's me! Hope you enjoyed the list. I enjoyed making it.

December 2, 2008

Back to the real world...

Ok, now that I got the hard part out of the way, let's get on with the good stuff.

Thanksgiving Day...

I had Jeremy's entire family at my house (except for his sister). That is 16 total including us...
  • Grandma & Grandpa Ham (Jeremy's mom & dad)

  • Jeremy's oldest brother and his wife and their 4 kids

  • Jeremy's older brother and his wife and their 3 kids
  • Me, Jeremy & Lil'D


Here is my first turkey fresh from the oven!

It was absolutely perfect! I am so proud...and thankful to Martha!! (Stewart, that is). I dry brined it for 12 hours and roasted it for about 3 hours. I also made dressing and fresh steamed green beans. Jeremy's mom brought homemade mashed potatoes and gravy...they were yummy! There was lots of food and we ate and ate! Lil'D didn't do to well this thanksgiving. He had one bite of mashed potatoes and a taste of dressing. He ate 2 cups of strawberry yogurt. My little picky eater has arrived. He drank all his milk though!

We spent the rest of the evening looking at ads and planning our attack for Friday.

Black Friday...

My sweet Jeremy got up at 5:45am and went to Home Depot and got my beautiful $199.99reg price LED prelit Christmas tree for $49.99!! Lil'D and I woke up at around 7:30am and Jeremy had already taken the tree out of the box and put it together! We finished decorating the tree on Sunday night.

Here is the final result:

Lil'D had a wonderful time playing with the beads, putting the ornaments on the bottom branches and throwing ornaments on the tree and watching them stick. He also enjoys running the Christmas train below the tree. It has a remote control just like Grandpa's trains.

Date night...

Friday night Jeremy and I went out to dinner and a movie. We figured that all that we have been through we deserved to have a night out. We went to Fuddrucker's. I love their fries! dipped in the honey mustard sauce. Yummy!!

Then we went to the movies. We saw...Twilight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I read the book about 2 weeks ago and loved it so much I read the second book, New Moon, shortly after. It was really great and I understand now what all the rage was about. I absolutely L-O-V-E Bella and Edward! I can't wait to read the next book, I'm chompin' at the bit. I'm going to get the book this week and I will probably read all 600+ pages by Sunday night. I'm just a little obsessed, that't all. Here are the two people my world has been all about the past three weeks:

December 1, 2008

Moving on...

Did you know that 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage? If you have had one live birth and one miscarriage you have a 10% chance to miscarry again. I found that women in their late 30s have an 18% risk of miscarriage. You always hear these things, but secretly pray and pray that it will never happen to you.

I was pregnant. I took a test and was positive on Thursday, November 6th. Went to the doctor and got an official blood test. I was so excited. It had taken us only 5 months. My due date was July 12th, 2009. I immediately made my first pre-natal appointment, subscribed to all the pregnancy newletters by email, dreamed about my new sweet baby, thought about names, you know, the whole shebang. I was only 5 weeks.

On Tuesday, November 18th I started spotting. I called the doctor immediately and went in for a test that charts my pregnancy hormones. I continued to bleed and was in a little pain. I took another blood test on Thursday. On Friday morning the doctor confirmed my greatest fear. The pregnant hormones were not rising anymore, they were descending. I missed almost 3 days of work because I just didn't want to go through this there. I was emotionally up and down. The weekend passed as if it were a dream. I took another blood test on Monday morning and Tuesday they said that my numbers were coming down and a good pace and I would probably not need a D&C. The doctor wants me to go through 2 full cycles before trying again.

What a crazy emotional rollercoaster that was. I'm still up and down. I went in for my last blood test this morning just to make sure that I still don't need to D&C. I have spoke to several people who have 2 miscarriages in a row that are my age. I fear another.

But I have to go through the fear to bring another life into our family. The Lord has given me strength and reassurance through this trial. I am thankful to have had this happen at 6 weeks rather than 20 weeks or something way worse. I have a child in heaven now. I will be reunited with him/her one day.

It's time to move on and go on with life.
I just wanted to share this with all the people in my life that I don't see everyday and may be many, many miles away.