Today's weight: I fogot to weigh in todayI didn't eat breakfast this morning because I don't have anything worthy to go into my clean body!:) I finally realized I had some brown organic rice. I steamed that up and it was really good. Lil'D wanted some when he saw me eating it. He didn't like the first bite, but wanted to try again and kept coming back for more. I still felt a little light-headed. I guess rice isn't enough.
For lunch I had a bowl of my vegetable soup. It was yummy. After lunch, Lil'D and I went grocery shopping. I made a list first of what I wanted to make this week. I decided to start with only 4 dinners and try leftovers a couple of days. I really want to use the crockpot so here is the plan:
Monday: Crockpot BBQ Chicken Tuesday: Crockpot Casserole Wednesday: leftover BBQ Chicken Thursday: Crockpot Fajitas Friday: leftover fajitas Saturday: Crockpot Stew Sunday: ?I went to Trader Joe's first. I got some really good stuff: organic whole chicken, organic butter, bacon, edamame, Ezekiel bread, homemade wheat tortillas, and organic sour cream. I spent $27. 14.
Then I went to Henry's. I got a lot more stuff: 2 onions, green bell pepper, 2 lbs of potatoes, green beans, carrots, celery, tomatoes, fajita seasoning, salsa, refried beans, BBQ sauce, mushroom soup, elbow macaroni, and a pound of ground beef. You will never believe this...I spent $27.14. Isn't that weird.
There were some items that I couldn't find and have to go to Albertson's for: shredded cheese, mexican rice, cheddar cheese soup, tapioca, 1 1/2 lbs flank steak, 2 lbs stew meat.
Lil'D went with me to Trader Joe's and Henry's. It was a little difficult, but I managed. I am so used to have J with me at the grocery store. J was at the Charger's game. I wanted to test our budget against eating better foods. As you can see I did pretty good. I only spent $54.28. We try to keep our weekly grocery trips to $75.00. I still have about $20.00 left. I may spend a little more than that. We try to never go over $100.00.
I really hope to try to eat better now. I guess this is the end of my Master Cleanse journal because I didn't have any lemonade today.
-Until the next Master Cleanse...:)
September 30, 2007
Day Eight...
September 29, 2007
Day Seven...
Today's weight: 160
The tea that I drank last night worked. I didn't do the salt water. Hallelujah. As soon as I was done feeding Lil'D his organic whole wheat waffle I started making my soup! I was really excited about eating. I was getting really hungry!
I sauteed the onion and the garlic in olive oil until it was brown. Then I put all the vegetables that I cut up in a stockpot along with the bouillon, the spices and a lot of water. I brought all this to a boil and then let it simmer for about 30 minutes. I couldn't wait to eat, it smelled so great!
It was finally done. I filled up a cup with broth and sat down and enjoyed it. It was really good. After my broth breakfast we had plans to go to the Air & Space museum (for free I might add). I totally should have brought my lemonade because I was feeling a little weak and felt a headache coming on from not getting enough to eat. Grandpa & Grandma Ham went with us and they wanted to take us to lunch. They wanted to go to Fuddrucker's. I couldn't believe it. There wasn't anything there I could eat. They wanted to go to Phil's BBQ first and that would have been complete torture. The whole point of my cleanse was to try to put good stuff back in my body, not fill it with junk again. I know, I know I don't need to be so extreme. But there is a time and place to splurge and today was not it. J got a salad, but I just couldn't make myself eat any of it because it was covered with caesar dressing. I fed Lil'D his chicken strips without the breading and just pushed through lunch without eating a thing. It smelled so good in that restaurant, but I was strong! As soon as we got home and put Lil'D down for his nap, I heated up a nice little bowl of my veggie soup (not just broth this time) and ate happily. It was good. A little bland, but good. I was easing my stomach back onto solid food. I was really proud for not giving in to temptation. I know I have the discipline and the will power to do this right.
I pulled a quart of lemonade out and started drinking it. I really needed to drink it and get some calories or I was going to eat something I shouldn't. We went over to Grandpa & Grandma Ham's house for Jeremy's family birthday party. Thank goodness it was a chocolate cake. I had no desire for chocolate cake. In case you don't know, I don't like chocolate cake. Never have, never will. I know it sounds weird, but it has been like that since I was a kid. Anyway I didn't want anything at the birthday party, the lemonade had filled me up. There is something about that lemonade that really satisfies you and makes you feel full.
So for dinner I had a yummy salad. I got some organic olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. This stuff was super yummy. My salad was really good. I went to bed satisfied.
September 28, 2007
Day Six...
Today's weight: 163.5
I'm still hanging in there. I drank my salt water this morning with no problems. I gained a pound. That is weird. Probably the salt water, who knows. My stomach feels uneasy today. I'm not really sure why. It was also having spasms again. The spasms scare me. I'm getting really nervous about my stomach getting used to solid foods again.
I left work early today and went straight to Henry's to get all the ingredients for my vegetable soup. I bought carrots, celery, zucchini, spinach, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetable bouillon, garlic, and onion. I cut everything up and prepped everything for tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, I ate a few carrots and celery very slowly over the next couple of hours. I only had 2 quarts of the lemonade and drank a quart of water instead. I immediately started feeling hungry when I didn't drink the rest of the lemonade.
I drank my tea and went to bed. I felt sort of hungry but I resisted eating anything but carrots and celery.
What I'm doing right now...
- mouth
- Elmo (I pronouce it melmo)
- shoes
- shadow
- and the latest word is push (i love to push...buttons, the shower stopper, and the light switch
I have been testing Mommy alot lately. When she tells me to stop I just keep doing whatever it is she is telling me to stop. It is more fun that way. I have also learned to stomp my foot and say Uhhh. I learned this at daycare. When someone has a reaction to something I do, I know they just want me to keep doing it! Especially if they say stop.
Even though I've been awnry lately, when Mommy & Daddy tell me it's time for night night...I'm ready. Mommy kisses me, lays me down in my crib, she wiggles the elephants fuzzy tail in my ear and says "witty, witty, witty" and we both have a little laugh. Mommy tells me she loves me, Daddy says "Goodnight buddy," they both tell me sweet dreams we'll see you in the morning and the light goes out and I fall instantly asleep. Sometimes I talk a little bit but I'm usually out in a few minutes.
Night, Night

Friday's Feast
How are you today?
I'm really great!!
Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.
What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
Driving on a busy freeway in Dallas, pouring hard rain and hail
Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?
What do you usually wear to sleep?
A pink nightgown
For a different menu selection please click here!
Mary Engelbreit stuff...
I found something oh so wonderful yesterday!!! Mary Engelbreit has a blog called This and That!!In case you don't know...I love Mary Engelbreit. I love everything about her. It was so much fun to read her blog yesterday.
Thought I would share!
September 27, 2007
Day Five...
I sleep like a baby :)Today's weight: 162
I'm still hanging in there. I drank my salt water this morning with no problems. I gained a pound. That is weird. Probably the salt water, who knows. My stomach feels uneasy today. Otherwise I am hanging in there.
I felt a lot hungrier today. I think it is because I am thinking about what I am going to prepare this weekend to ease myself back onto eating solid food. My officemate PJ has made food all day that has smelled so good. That has been really hard to deal with. Chica had mexican food so when I opened the door to her office it smelled oh so heavenly. I didn't want to eat that specifically but I was hungry. I am craving vegetable soup so bad!!
I felt good all day, no weakness, no crabbiness, no light-headedness. Nothing. I feel very healthy and clean. I am ready for the weekend! I want to drink something besides lemonade. I am so bored with the taste. It's good don't get me wrong...and no you don't taste the cayenne pepper that much. If you taste it at all it's just a little kick of spice, no big deal. I have read that there are lots of people who put 1/2 to a whole tsp of the cayenne in. Some people like spice. I'm not too big on hot spice!
My lemonade was very maple syrupy today. I'm really sick of maple syrup. Tomorrow I am going to put an oz less of the syrup in. I had all my lemonade drank by the time I got home. Which is best for me. I wasn't tempted of tortured at all by J and Lil'D eating dinner tonight. I fed Lil'D as usual and was completely ok with it. J and I watched Survivor and I did "crave" a snack. I wasn't hungry at all. It was just a habit: watching tv = crunchy snack. BAD HABIT. I drank my tea. I don't like it anymore. I think that is because it is Chocolate flavored. I don't like anything that is Chocolate flavored. I am very picky about my chocolate and this tea ain't my kind of chocolate.
I was ready for bed by 9:30pm. I went to bed content!! I am also sleeping just fine. My body has adjusted to the routine of waking up at 5am. That is when the tea kicks in. I have had no problems sleeping at all.
Thankful Thursday...
I am so blessed and thankful for...
Hope your week is blessed in many, many ways!
Everyone in our household is well again! Lil'D took the last of his antibiotic today. That even though my husband has hurt his finger pretty bad at work, he still manages to help me with everything. How blessed am I? He got the nail part of his right middle finger caught between a jacuzzi and the truck bed. It apparently gushed, but he got pressure on it right away. So, if anything slightly touches it he is in a lot of pain. I pray for his quick recovery!!! We are also blessed that my husband's job is a job that can still be done even if he can't function properly because of his lame finger. I am so thankful for "Cameron" who helps J at work a lot, but will be helping him even more until the finger heals. For an electric juicer! I have been on a cleanse this week and was squeezing lemons with a lemon squeezer. A juicer is so much better!!! It's the little things in life! For the quiet time I have been taking in the morning to read. It has been so nice. The overwhelming joy that the Lord puts in my heart everyday! The self-discipline and the will power I have discovered within myself through the cleanse I am doing.
September 26, 2007
Day Four...
Today's weight: 161
I can't believe it's day four already. I drank my salt water a lot faster this morning. It was tolerable. I was ready to start drinking lemonade on the way to work. I was hungry.
I still feel good. I don't feel like I haven't had any food in four days. Strange. I did have feelings of being tired, but then when I would drink more lemonade I would get a sudden burst of energy. I was good about brushing my teeth today. After a while the acid from the lemon would just coat my teeth and they were so sensitive. I drank more water today. I was feeling a little dehydrated. I don't know how that is when I am drinking a gallon of water. I know it's not pure water.
The hardest part is when I get home and I have to feed Lil'D. J grilled chicken again tonight and warmed some green beans. It smelled really good. I didn't crave the chicken as much as I craved the green beans. I have been craving vegetable soup all day long. I long to have spinach and broccoli and asparagus. That is what I want. I'm really happy about craving that rather than junk. So, this cleanse is working the way I want it to. We went to UTC mall tonight and J got a Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake from Ben & Jerry's. Yuck, I had no desire to have any of it. It sounded and looked really disgusting.
When we got Lil'D into bed I prepared my lemonade for tomorrow. My best friend, Chica, let me borrow her electric juicer. Preparing the lemonade is not such a big fiasco anymore. I broke an enamel lemon squeezer from Wal-Mart and a plastic lemon squeezer from Long's. Isn't that crazy. I highly recommend buying a metal lemon squeezer. Those others are just cheap. The electric juicer was awesome. It took me no time to get 13 oz and it was a cinch to clean up!
I wasn't really into my tea tonight. I couldn't drink the last bit. I was over it. I really started to really think about this cleanse being over. I want to start eating food again. I have been going back and forth about how long I'm going to do this. I started out thinking I was going to do this for about 7 days. Then the past couple of days I have been thinking about doing it for 14 days. I've decided I'm only going to do it for 7 days. That's it. I'm really ready to start eating food again before my stomach forgets how to work :)
Wordless Wednesday...
Where did you get that blonde hair?
This is Lil'Ds Great grandpa(back of horse) & Great Uncle(front of horse). Great Grandpa had blonde, blonde hair when he was young and almost jet black hair as an adult. Makes a little more sense why my son has blond hair and I have dark brown hair. I have a blonde gene! I know it is supposed to be "Wordless" Wednesday but I just had to write a little blurb about it!Please visit Wordless Wednesday for more photos!
Weigh in...WEEK ONE
Start weight (09-18-07) - 166
Weight 1st wednesday (09-26-07) - 161As you can see I did great! Yeah me. BUT...I have been doing something completely different. I decided to start the Master Cleanse, which is also know as The Lemonade Diet. One of my co-worker's is on Day 12. What really attracted me to this cleanse is that it could help me not crave foods that are bad for me. I have learned so much about myself in the past 3 days. I am realizing that I am almost always eating when I crave something, rather than eating when I am hungry. I am really finding out a lot about my self-discipline and will power. I have both, but am lazy when it comes to food and I'm not caring enough about my body to really loose the weight. The website and the book of course want you to get off of foods that have chemicals, additives and preservatives in them once the cleanse is over. To go totally organic would be great, but it is just not widely available yet. I just don't have the time or the money to shop for this type of food. I will try to have a positive outlook and to see what foods I could do that are organic.
So, I haven't eaten solid food in three whole days...isn't that just crazy? This is the Lemonade recipe:
- 12 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 12 oz organic maple syrup, grade b
- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
- filtered water to make up a gallon
I drink a gallon of lemonade everyday. I am completely satisfied. I haven't had any bad headaches, feelings of tiredness, irritableness...I actually feed great. I have lots of energy and feel "light." I have not worked out at all, but I have walked a little in the evening. Not super strenuous stuff. I don't want to make myself feel bad.
I also have to drink Smooth Move tea before bedtime and do a salt water flush in the morning. The salt water flush is made up of:
- 1 quart of water
- 2 tsp sea salt
That is pretty much the hardest part of all this. It certainly is hard to get down. I did really good this morning, I did it in 4 separate gulping sessions!
So I have lost about 5 pounds since last tuesdays weigh in. I have lost 4 pounds since I started the cleanse on Sunday. But I know that I am going to gain at least half of the weight back once I get back on solid food. I'm not really sure how long I am going to do it. The website and book say that you should do the cleanse until your tongue turns a nice pink. (not red or coated) There are people who do anywhere from 7-21 days. I had planned 7, but I am doing really great and am not having any bad withdrawals from food, so I may go 14 and that's it. I just can't see myself doing it for any longer that two weeks. I already miss the crunch you get from food.
Here is the website that I have been reading:
This is just something I heard from a friend and decided to try. I went into it with the mindset of I can quit anytime I want. I have felt great and I am very happy with the cleanse so far. I hope to prepare my body for some really healthy eating and to maybe get rid of some unhealthy habits and to get where I want to be weight wise, gradually and not gain it all back!
September 25, 2007
Day Three...
Today's weight: 162
I survived another day! I am completely shocked at my will-power and self discipline. I woke up at 5am this morning and had my first salt water flush.
This lovely concoction is comprised of:
2 tsp of Sea Salt 1 quart of waterI just couldn't finish it. I only drank about 3/4 of it. The tea from last night got rid of the rest of the solid food I had eaten on Saturday. Let's just say that the Salt flush...flushed like it was supposed to.
I got really hungry on my way to work and started drinking my lemonade drink. In case you missed what that is made of, here are the ingredients:
- 13 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 13 oz Organic maple syrup, Grade B
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper
- Filtered water to make a gallon
I felt good again today. No temptations to eat or quit at all. I am not torturing myself, I am not suffering. The lemonade drink is satisfying my hunger. I was in a great positive mood all day at work. I brought all 4 quarts to work today and finished 3 quarts by 5pm. I drank the last one on the way home. I am glad I had it with me, because every time I felt hungry I would take a swig. Yesterday I didn't have any with me on my way home and had hunger pains all the way home. I finished the last quart before I got home.
One weird symtom I had today was stomach spasms. My stomach started twitching. That was kind of weird. It felt like a baby kicking you when you are pregnant. It went away though.
When I walked in the door life just took over and the hunger just went away. J made Lil'D dinner. I fed Lil'D and talked with J. I wasn't tempted or hungry. I craved Lil'D's food for a few seconds, but that was it. I drank some water because my mouth was dry. We played with Lil'D and put him to bed. I made my Smooth Move Chocolate tea at about 9pm. I sweetened it with a little maple syrup and relaxed for a bit. Before I got into bed I prepared my salt water for tomorrow morning. I went to bed very content and happy with myself. I really am enjoying the cleanse. I feel so healthy!!! I am very pleased with the way that I feel knowing I haven't had any food in 3 whole days. Amazing...
September 24, 2007
Day Two...
Today's weight: 162
I survived! I really slept well last night. I got up at 12:30am to pee and went right back to sleep. Today was a good day. I woke up and felt fine. Once I started drinking my lemonade I felt great. I had lots of energy in the morning. I wasn't hungry at all. The energy continued for a majority of the day. I got a slight, tiny headache, but it wasn't bad at all. I had some weird stuff going on like being cold, having a warm feeling on my shoulder, and sinus drainage. I drank a quart of the lemonade on the way to work and had 2 more quarts at my desk. I had finished 3 quarts by 3:30. I didn't have anymore lemonade at work so I drank water till 4:30. I brushed my teeth a total of 4 times today because of all the citric acid on my teeth. I went by Henry's on the way home to pick up some sea salt and some smooth move tea. My stomach started growling and by the time I got home I was really hungry. Of course J was grilling chicken for him and Lil'D. I smelled it as soon as I pulled into the carport. I poured myself some lemonade and I was fine. I fed Lil'D chicken and carrots. I had to remember not to lick my fingers, it was hard! I completed my gallon of lemonade by 7pm. I made my gallon for tomorrow and then drank my smooth move tea. It was good, chocolate flavored and I sweetened it with maple syrup. I was so sleepy afterwards. I am going to bed right now.
September 23, 2007
Day One...
Starting weight: 165
Today wasn't so bad. I thought it would be harder. I drank my gallon of lemonade. It didn't taste bad at all, except for the cayenne pepper. The aftertaste is hot. It was really hard at about 8pm. I had just a little more left and it was so hard to drink. But, I did it. I don't feel bad at all. I actually feel good. Tomorrow is probably going to be hard!
Here is some info I found researching it:
According to “The Master Cleanser,” Burroughs’s book, the lemon acts as a purifier and provides potassium, the cayenne pepper adds B and C vitamins and aids in circulation, and maple syrup, a sugar, provides energy and minerals.
Wish me more luck!
September 22, 2007
The day before I start...
Today was a really nice day. Lil'D woke us up at about 7am. We played for a long time and he took his morning nap from 9am-10:45am. I picked up the house, had breakfast and made a list of things we needed from Costco, Walmart and the grocery store. I also downloaded a bunch of videos I took of Lil'D. Here is one of them
He was being silly!
When Lil'D woke up from his nap, we headed out. It rained pretty good this morning, but had stopped by the time we left the house. We went to Costco first. We got tons of water, tons of lemons, and some other stuff. Walmart was next. I found a gallon container there and some misc. items. At the grocery store I got cayenne pepper, syrup and whatever J needed for food all week. I got no food for myself... food, you say. What is going on with EllieMae. Well everybody, EllieMae has lost her mind. She has decided to try a "cleanse." What is a cleanse you ask. Well, I am trying the Master Cleanse. This is a 7-14 day liquid diet that gets rid of all the toxins in your body. After the cleanse is done you no longer C.R.A.V.E. bad food. You actually crave fruits and vegetables...all the healthy food I am supposed to eat, but don't. I have read journals from people who actually say that bad food items actually don't taste good anymore after the cleanse. A co-worker of mine is actually doing the cleanse right now. He is on day 8 and he says that he feels really great and even his skin is clearer.
Here is the recipe:
13 oz of freshly squeezed lemon juice
13 oz of organic grade b maple syrup
1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper
mix with water to make a gallon
You only drink this, and this only, everyday for 7-14days, however long you can last.
In addition, I have to drink 2 tbsp sea salt with a quart of water to keep everything regular, if you know what I mean.
I have my supply of lemons, water and cayenne pepper, but I only have syrup for tomorrow and that is all. It is really hard to find the right syrup. Tomorrow I am not even using the correct syrup. I could only find regular grade a syrup. I called Whole Foods tonight and they have the right syrup, for the right price! Henry's had it but it only came in a 16oz bottle of like $15. Are they crazy? Must be some really good syrup.
So I am really excited about it. My officemate, PJ, is also going to be on this cleanse with me. We are together 8 hours a day, why not. I will post a Master Cleanse Journal entry everyday. You will get a play by play on this weird journey I have decided to take. Wish me luck!
September 21, 2007
Friday's Feast
AppetizerWhat is your favorite type of art?Mary Engelbreit!SoupWhen was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?tonight, we used a gift card given to us by some friendsSaladOn a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?9Main CourseApproximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?10 minutesDessertTo what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?I don't have a thermostat :(Please visit here for more Friday Feasts!!
September 20, 2007
Thankful Thursday...
I am so blessed and thankful for...
Hope your week is blessed in many, many ways!
My husband is well! His cold finally went away on Tuesday!! Lil'D is well! He is still taking antibiotics, but he is feeling 100% better! My Mom booked her flights for her Thanksgiving visit!!! Yeah!! I'm really excited! She is staying for 2 weeks so that we have 2 full weekends together! This wonderful cool weather we are having! After the excruciating heat this is so nice. It was 63 degrees this morning at 7am! It is supposed to rain this weekend also! It sprinkled a little this morning on the drive into work. It should really start pouring tonight! We haven't seen rain since April. I really miss the rain! My boss has been in Cabo for 3 days. He is with one of our clients. We are designing cabinetry for a Hacienda and a Villa. The Hacienda is a 6,000 square foot house (...hacienda, duh:) and the Villa is a 4000 square foot condo right on the beach. A lot of design firms are very slow right now, because not a lot of people are remodeling. This client is really keeping our company going during the slow time. PTL we have plenty of work and I am receiving a paycheck. French Vanilla Cappuccino! I haven't had one in almost 4 weeks. I am splurging today. I am really enjoying it! My hair! I am still so happy with my short haircut. I know it just sounds silly, but ya'll have to understand I have just disliked my hair for a very long time. My hair has always been over-important to me. Don't get me wet, don't touch my hair, blah, blah, blah. I have always been so over conscious about it. Not anymore. I look in the mirror and I think, who is that cute girl? I have never thought that about myself. I used to look in the mirror and think, oh my hair is flat again, look at that stringy mess...not anymore! It took many, many years to get to this point and I know how trivial this sounds, but it has always been so important to have nice, classy, simple hair that just looks kept. Now I do! to just be alive, happy...content with my world!
September 19, 2007
September 18, 2007
Fun Bloggy Stuff...
I came across this fun little bloggy thing. Click here and you can type in anything and it will spell it with letters from Flickr photos. Fun, Fun, Fun. Thanks to Everyday Mommy for leading me here!!!!.
FINAL Weigh in...Week 19
Weight 1st tuesday (5-1-07)______178
Weight 2nd tuesday (5-8-07)_____ 173
Weight 3nd wednesday (5-16-07)__174
Weight 4th tuesday (5-22-07)_____172
Weight 5th tuesday (5-29-07______172
Weight 6th tuesday (6-5-07)______170
Weight 7th tuesday (6-12-07)_____171
Weight 8th tuesday (6-19-07)_____170
Weight 9th tuesday_________ vacation
Weight 10th tuesday________vacation
Weight 11th tuesday (7-10-07)_________________________170
Weight 12th tuesday (7-17-07)_________________________169
Weight 13th tuesday (7-24-07)_________________________168
Weight 14th tuesday (7-31-07)_________________________168
Weight 15th tuesday (8-7-07)__________________________167
Weight 16th tuesday (8-14-07)_________________________168
Weight 17th tuesday (8-21-07)_________________________167
Weight 18th tuesday (8-28-07)_________________________168
Weight 19th tuesday (9-4-07)__________________________167
Weight 20th tuesday (9-11-07)_________________________166
Weight 21st tuesday (9-18-07)____________________166
Well, here we are at the end of our first challenge together. I am glad that we were on this journey together. I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about all of you! I look forward to the next challenge!Speaking of the next challenge here are my goals:
- To lose 13 pounds by January 11th, 2008
- Drink 8 glasses of water E.V.E.R.Y.D.AY.
- To eat 5-6 small appropriate meals a day. Plan my meals E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.
- Workout Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Plan my workout ahead of time. Make an appointment with myself and lay my workout clothes out.
- NO SNACKS AFTER 8pm!!!!!
I'm motivated and determined to loose this stupid weight!!!!!!!!!I also dug this up...this is a photo of me in college. I was in the prime of my twirling "career." We had to weigh in before every football game. We also practiced 3 hours a day! Whoever said that baton twirling is not a sport doesn't have a clue what they are talking about!!
This photo really motivates me to get back into shape and feel good about myself!!
September 17, 2007
Lil'D TV...
Today, I am starting something new... Lil'D TV. I am going to post a video of Lil'D every monday. You see, Grandma & Grandpa San live in Texas and they haven't seen Lil'D since April. He is growing like a weed everyday and I want them to see all the new things that he can do.Lil'D is usually all about peek-a-boo and one of us scaring him. In this video he was doing the scaring. Really scary...huh? He cracks me up!
September 15, 2007
New design
Ok, I am done with my new design. I hope you like it. This is the way it will stay...for a while, at least.
Loser of the week...

September 14, 2007
Friday's Feast

When was the last time you visited a hospital?
When PK had baby Ryan. I don't remember what month that was. Maybe March?
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?
between a 6 and a 7
Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.)
(hand) Hope and no doubt.
Main Course
If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?
I sat and thought about this for a long time and I just couldn't think of anything right now in my life that I would want to make a club for.
What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?
September 13, 2007
Mom's Turn...
Thankful Thursday...
I am so blessed and thankful for...
- the grace and mercy that the Lord gives me E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y
- this week going by so fast and somewhat smooth at work
- a most wonderful and selfless husband
- the presence of my sweet baby boy in my life...I'm so in love with him!
- French Vanilla Tea
- my officemate PJ, she is really fun to be around (considering we are with each other 8 hours a day during the week)
- my Mom's interview this morning. Hopefully she gets the job!!
- my new haircut. I cut my hair this short about 9 years ago and I absolutely hated it and wanted my long hair back. It took me 9 years to grow it as long as it was plus. I got 10 inches cut off and I just got another inch this weekend. I absolutely love it! It feels good, I feel good and it's not that hard to fix. My husband said in the 12 years he has know me this is the FIRST time I have really like my hair! It's about time!!
- that it has been almost 8 weeks since Lil'D has had any illness. He has been coughing for about a week and a half now. Usually he only coughs when he is sleeping. When he woke up this morning the cough stayed. His nose is runny too. The doctor wants to see him tomorrow. We had a nice WELL run.
- that I have lost another pound this week! I have re-motivated myself to be disciplined about my working out and eating habits!!! I am going to be in my pre-pregnancy clothes by the new year!!!!!!
Have a wonderful and blessed week!
September 12, 2007
Wordless Wednesday...
Lil'D can go on the slide by himself!
I know it's supposed to be WORDLESS, but I needed to give some small details!
Click here for more Wordless Wednesday
September 11, 2007
Weigh in...WEEK 18

Weight 2nd tuesday (5-8-07)_____ 173
Weight 3nd wednesday (5-16-07)__174
Weight 4th tuesday (5-22-07)_____172
Weight 5th tuesday (5-29-07______172
Weight 6th tuesday (6-5-07)______170
Weight 7th tuesday (6-12-07)_____171
Weight 8th tuesday (6-19-07)_____170
Weight 9th tuesday_________ vacation
Weight 10th tuesday ________vacation
Weight 11th tuesday (7-10-07)_________________________170
Weight 12th tuesday (7-17-07)_________________________169
Weight 13th tuesday (7-24-07)_________________________168
Weight 14th tuesday (7-31-07)_________________________168
Weight 15th tuesday (8-7-07)__________________________167
Weight 16th tuesday (8-14-07)_________________________168
Weight 17th tuesday (8-21-07)_________________________167
Weight 18th tuesday (8-28-07)_________________________168
Weight 19th tuesday (9-4-07)__________________________167
Weight 20th tuesday (9-11-07)____________________166!
Yeah, I broke the barrier!! I ate healthy all week and drank my water everyday! I rewarded myself this weekend with a Cotton Candy Blizzard. That is the only bad thing I had!!!
My goal from now on is a pound a week. By Christmas I could be my pre-preggy weight!!!
Pre-preggy clothes in my closet...look out your 16 pounds away from getting out and about!!
-Until tomorrow!
September 7, 2007
Friday's Feast

Using only one word, how does grocery shopping make you feel?
What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?
The colors and the temperature
Have you ever had any bad experiences online?
Not yet
Main Course
Name three things that make you happy daily.
-Lil'D not being sick
-My husband picking up the house before I get home
-4:45pm I leave work!
What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?
September 6, 2007
Thankful Thursday...
I am so blessed and thankful for...
- My husband who is my Super Hero! He does so all day to make a living, does laundry, mops and vacuums the floors, empties the diaper genie, takes care of the cats, cooks dinner, baths our son with me, plays with our son, AND LOVES ME!! (makes you wonder what I do huh?)
- My son is smart AND healthy. He is saying all kinds of new words..."where did it go?", "what is that?", "bye-bye", "all done". His immune system must be super strong because 3 kids have gotten sick at daycare with strep throat and the flu. No signs yet. Praise God!
- Lil'D gave up his pacifier over the long weekend! We cut a small piece off on Friday night, then a bigger piece on Saturday. He threw it out of the crib on Saturday night and we didn't give it back. Sunday he was so exhausted he didn't miss it, but Monday night he fussed a little. Tuesday night he fussed the most, for about 15 or 20 minutes. Last night when we put him down he whined just a hair and when I put him in the crib he had a face of determination and didn't let out a squeak. I still can't get over that face of determination. I am so very proud of him. He is pacifier free at 14 1/2 months!!!!!
- WE ARE OFFICIALLY COMPLETELY MOVED IN to our house that we moved into on September 6, 2006. (one year ago today)Our bedroom and the guest bedroom/office have been catch alls for everything. I cleaned my closet back in March, but that is it. Stuff was just everywhere. So, my goal over labor day weekend was to clean up my bedroom and the guest bedroom/office. I had 4 days off work. On Friday I cleaned my bedroom...then the heat came. Saturday and Sunday I couldn't get motivated, I thought for sure I was going to fail again. On Monday I cleaned through the 100 degree weather (without air-conditioning, thank you very much) and got it all done. I completed it on Tuesday night after work. I had just a few more things that needed to be put up. I feel great about my house now! It's all my husband and I maintaining a cleaning schedule. It's so incredibly hard to do after a stressful and tiring day at work. I have started a home management notebook and am trying to use it, but is has been very difficult because it's the last thing I want to do when I get home. But I am going to take on a new attitude of HOME first, job second.
- That the temperature here in San Diego is back to "normal"! 100 degrees here is crazy and really miserable because lots of houses out here don't have air conditioning. I am one who doesn't have air-conditioning. So if you have air-conditioning I am thankful you do! I don't wish the last 5 days of heat on anyone especially without air-conditioning in their home! Last night the cool air swept through our house and it felt just wonderful! Praise God!
- for sweet delicious watermelon!
- red seedless grapes were on sale this weekend for 79cents/pound!!
- lemon cake that my boss's wife brings in every now and then
- my yummy hot french vanilla tea I am sipping right now!
Happy Thursday to all!
-Until tomorrow
September 5, 2007
September 4, 2007
Weigh in...WEEK 17

Weight 2nd tuesday (5-8-07)_____ 173
Weight 3nd wednesday (5-16-07)__174
Weight 4th tuesday (5-22-07)_____172
Weight 5th tuesday (5-29-07______172
Weight 6th tuesday (6-5-07)______170
Weight 7th tuesday (6-12-07)_____171
Weight 8th tuesday (6-19-07)_____170
Weight 9th tuesday_________ vacation
Weight 10th tuesday ________vacation
Weight 11th tuesday (7-10-07)_________________________170
Weight 12th tuesday (7-17-07)_________________________169
Weight 13th tuesday (7-24-07)_________________________168
Weight 14th tuesday (7-31-07)_________________________168
Weight 15th tuesday (8-7-07)__________________________167
Weight 16th tuesday (8-14-07)_________________________168
Weight 17th tuesday (8-21-07)_________________________167
Weight 18th tuesday (8-28-07)_________________________168
Weight 19th tuesday (9-4-07)_____________________167
It has been hotter than heck here. Friday it got up to 95, Saturday it was 99 and Sunday and Monday it was 101 degrees. I sweated a pound off! No one in their right mind would even think of working out in this sweltering weather. Housework has been my workout ... I'm on my way down again! I'M GONNA BE 166 NEXT TUESDAY!!!
I want a snack so bad right now, but I'm not going to let myself have one. WILL POWER!
-Until tomorrow
September 3, 2007
80.Help J get the office completely organized
September 1, 2007
Mommy & Daddy took something from me...
Night, night,