August 29, 2007
August 28, 2007
Weigh in...WEEK 16

Weight 2nd tuesday (5-8-07)_____ 173
Weight 3nd wednesday (5-16-07)__174
Weight 4th tuesday (5-22-07)_____172
Weight 5th tuesday (5-29-07______172
Weight 6th tuesday (6-5-07)______170
Weight 7th tuesday (6-12-07)_____171
Weight 8th tuesday (6-19-07)_____170
Weight 9th tuesday_________ vacation
Weight 10th tuesday ________vacation
Weight 11th tuesday (7-10-07)_________________________170
Weight 12th tuesday (7-17-07)_________________________169
Weight 13th tuesday (7-24-07)_________________________168
Weight 14th tuesday (7-31-07)_________________________168
Weight 15th tuesday (8-7-07)__________________________167
Weight 16th tuesday (8-14-07)_________________________168
Weight 17th tuesday (8-21-07)_________________________167
Weight 18th tuesday (8-28-07)____________________168
Crap....that's all I have to say. It's completely my own doing. I just can't get motivated again like I did in the beginning. I see food, I eat it. I'm hungry ALL the time. I was so lazy last night and I didn't go running. I was just too tired.
I don't know how to loose 10 more pounds. I just feel like it's impossible.
More water, more willpower, more working out consistently!
-Until next week!
August 27, 2007
It's Monday...again...

2. Wonder: bread
3. Spider: web
4. Emma: baby
5. Swing: chain
6. Orbit: planet
7. Flirt: ponytail
8. Donation: red cross
9. Veil: bride
10. Atmosphere: air
I can't believe it's Monday...A.G.A.I.N. Where did the weekend go? We were super busy this weekend. I didn't really get to rest and relax as much as I would have liked. I guess that's ok, because I will get there. I know I will! I got few things done in the house that I have just been putting off or not taking the time to do. Basic things. I am going to get control over my house!!! I just have to take it step by step! This little thing I have to go to doing the in the way! I am on my way!!! I'll let you know when I get there!!!
August 26, 2007
Happy 2 year Blogoversary to ME!!
My Blog design has changed alot since then also. I wish I would have documented that. It would be fun to look back. I think I will start that now and do a show and tell next year. I'm sure I will change the design a couple of times in the next year.
Hope you enjoy my very simple blog.
August 24, 2007
Somebody got a haircut today...


Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version?
Jennifer Garner
Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)
Could amy say her eye winks.
If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose?
Main Course
Name a song that brings back memories for you.
All This Time, Tiffany
Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water?
warm water
-Until tomorrow
August 23, 2007
Thankful Thursday...
I am so bless and thankful for...
- My healthy baby boy! There are kids all around that have gotten sick. Lil'D is staying strong and hasn't gotten sick at all!
- My most wonderful husband, who is completely selfless! He is super dad!
- My mama! She sent me a care package this week. It contained a gift card for Lil'D to get him a toy box, a shirt for me, a cute little thing to hang over my laundry area that says "Laundry It's for the birds," and a beautiful bracelet for me with the words believe, courage and strength on it. What a lovely surprise. I love getting care packages from my mama!
- surviving the past two weeks at work! I lost a super huge important file. I was sick about it. Luckily, I had a backup from when I had to stay home and work when Lil'D was sick. I am surviving it! I'm not completely caught up yet, but I'm close.
- feeling really good this week! Even tonight one of my friends told me that they could tell I was different, happy different!
- for my cat, SHADOW. Shadow is a hero. A huge lizard came into our house through the security screen door. This lizard had a super long tail. It was about 15-18" long. I freaked out when I saw it. J tried to catch it, but Shadow started playing with it and it ran underneath the range. J pulled the range out, pulled the toekick out from under the cabinet. He made a huge mess, but didn't find the lizard. After he cleaned up the mess I had to bake a cake in the kitchen. I was scared the whole time, I am such a chicken. I finally went to bed accepting there was the longest lizard I have ever seen in my life in my house. I even woke up at 3am and felt something on my arm, I was only one of the cats. The alarm went off at 5am and I dreadfully walked down the dark hallway praying I wouldn't step on that nasty lizard. I survived the lizard showing. At around 5pm J came home and he said that Shadow had him cornered. She had already been playing with him because it's tail was in the middle of the floor. J caught it and put it outside. So...SHADOW is the hero!!! My other cat Dark couldn't care less about it. She is 11 years old and probably watched Shadow, who is 2, play with it. I AM SUPER THANKFUL THAT THE LIZARD IS GONE!
Gotta get to bed...
August 22, 2007
August 21, 2007
Weigh in...WEEK 15

Weight 2nd tuesday (5-8-07)_____ 173
Weight 3nd wednesday (5-16-07)__174
Weight 4th tuesday (5-22-07)_____172
Weight 5th tuesday (5-29-07______172
Weight 6th tuesday (6-5-07)______170
Weight 7th tuesday (6-12-07)_____171
Weight 8th tuesday (6-19-07)_____170
Weight 9th tuesday_________ vacation
Weight 10th tuesday ________vacation
Weight 11th tuesday (7-10-07)_________________________170
Weight 12th tuesday (7-17-07)_________________________169
Weight 13th tuesday (7-24-07)_________________________168
Weight 14th tuesday (7-31-07)_________________________168
Weight 15th tuesday (8-7-07)__________________________167
Weight 16th tuesday (8-14-07)_________________________168
Weight 17th tuesday (8-21-07)____________________167
I definitely drank a lot more water last week. I ate kind of bad on the weekend. I snacked a little more that I should have, but I did run twice last week and it's been so hot I think I sweated som weight off!!
This week so far I have been drinking lots of water, I ran last night. I have watched my portions and I didn't snack bad last night!!!
August 20, 2007
It's been a while...
- Darling :: Shirley Temple
- Majesty :: 's Secret Service
- Pebble :: Stream
- Fate :: Green
- Instant :: Oatmeal
- Screen :: Play
- Unplugged :: Outlet
- Dairy :: Cow
- Benefactor :: Money
- Market :: Fish
Here is a re-cap of my weekend:
We got the grocery store done today instead of on Sunday afternoon. Lil'D is still taking his morning nap, probably because it's so hot. We are limiting him to 1 hour in the morning so that he takes a good afternoon nap. After his nap we went to UTC mall. We had lunch and a certain purse kept calling my name all week, so I visited the purse and you will never guess how much I paid for it!!!!! So here is the story, I took my niece out to dinner on her birthday on Wednesday. We went to Macy's afterward. My niece's favorite color is orange, so we were looking at everything orange. I found a Kathy Van Zeeland bag that was orange. It was just adorable! Original price was $79.00. It was marked down 20% to $59.00. I thought about the bag all week. I told J about it. So we went to Macy's. There was a new sale sign that said additional 50% off. I got the bag for $29.00. I can't believe it. I wasn't going to buy it if it was $59.00 cause that is just spending too much money. I got a new purse!!! I love purses!!! They are my favorite thing!!! So after my purse came home with me Lil'D took his afternoon nap. I did a little cleaning in the office/guest bedroom. It was just so darn hot, I couldn't do a whole lot without wanting to pass out from the heat. I had 2 plastic bins full of old purses. I narrowed down everything I wanted to keep to one bin. The other bin I am going to sell on ebay!! I have been saying this for months. I'm was really going to do it this time!!! When Lil'D woke up it was time to go to Grandma Ham's for my niece's family birthday party. I found her an orange Kathy Van Zeeland wallet. (I found this before I bought my purse) We had cake and ice cream and got back home around 5pm. J and I took Lil'D over to Auntie E's and we went to the Padres game at 7pm with some friends. We even took the trolley downtown. It was like old times before we had Lil'D. It was a nice time. We didn't get home till 10:45pm. We put Lil'D to bed and I set up an Ebay seller account!!
We got up at 7:15 and got to church at 8:20am. After church we got lunch and went to CostCo for water and diapers. We were in for a long, hot afternoon. J set up a ton of fans and they really cooled the place down. I posted my first item on ebay. Wanna see it? Click here. I'm so happy I finally did it!!! I'm gonna post more now that I know how to do it!!
I eventually fell asleep during Lil'D's second nap. I woke up super crabby. That is why I hate naps. I sometimes just wake up in the worst mood if I take one. We took a trip to Home Depot to get some ant spray and then got dinner. The heat just seems to hang on lately, even after 6pm. Yuck, it just needs to go away! We got Lil'D to bed and I just sat down and relaxed and got to bed at 9:15...yeah me!!!
Now that it's Monday, it's back to work. I am just working away. I am trying to re-build my Barn file that I lost 4 weeks on last week. We have to go to the jobsite tomorrow...and it begins rest for the wicked!
-Until tomorrow
August 15, 2007
August 14, 2007
Weigh in...WEEK 14

Weight 2nd tuesday (5-8-07)_____ 173
Weight 3nd wednesday (5-16-07)__174
Weight 4th tuesday (5-22-07)_____172
Weight 5th tuesday (5-29-07______172
Weight 6th tuesday (6-5-07)______170
Weight 7th tuesday (6-12-07)_____171
Weight 8th tuesday (6-19-07)_____170
Weight 9th tuesday_________ vacation
Weight 10th tuesday ________vacation
Weight 11th tuesday (7-10-07)_________________________170
Weight 12th tuesday (7-17-07)_________________________169
Weight 13th tuesday (7-24-07)_________________________168
Weight 14th tuesday (7-31-07)_________________________168
Weight 15th tuesday (8-7-07)__________________________167
Weight 16th tuesday (8-14-07)____________________168
I knew this was going to happen. I was just bad last week. I only worked out 2 days and when I went to Montana I ate some good food. I was also pretty stressed out at the work load once we got back from Montana. I was also going to work out this weekend, but I just got the lazys.
So, here is the deal:
-So far I have worked out yesterday and tonight. I WILL workout tomorrow night and Thursday night and once this weekend!!!
-I'm going to drink tons of water all week. I drank water all day today and I feel great tonight.
- Watch my portions!!!!!!!!
-Until tomorrow

August 13, 2007
I want to dig a big hole...

- Voyage :: cruise ship
- Patricia :: high school
- Transformation :: transformers
- Vocabulary :: words
- San Francisco:: bridge
- Edward :: king
- Sawyer :: lost
- Literary :: books
- Tiger :: stripes
- Seal :: of approval
If you would like to check out more unconscious mutterings go here.

37.Get up at 5am for 2 wks in a row (excluding weekends)
August 12, 2007
Catch up...
August 7, 2007
Weigh in...WEEK 13

Weight 2nd tuesday (5-8-07)_____ 173
Weight 3nd wednesday (5-16-07)__174
Weight 4th tuesday (5-22-07)_____172
Weight 5th tuesday (5-29-07______172
Weight 6th tuesday (6-5-07)______170
Weight 7th tuesday (6-12-07)_____171
Weight 8th tuesday (6-19-07)_____170
Weight 9th tuesday_________ vacation
Weight 10th tuesday _____________________________vacation
Weight 11th tuesday (7-10-07)_________________________170
Weight 12th tuesday (7-17-07)_________________________169
Weight 13th tuesday (7-24-07)_________________________168
Weight 14th tuesday (7-31-07)_________________________168
Weight 15th tuesday (8-7-07)____________________167
I kind of gave myself a break from worrying about what I was eating last week. I know I didn't drink enough water and I didn't have time to work out. I just chased after my one year old and watched my portions. I really think that watching my portions is the key to my weight loss. Also, when I am feeding Lil'D I eat my food slowly. By the time I'm done feeding him, I'm full...instead of overeating like I used to.
I am starting back up on a disciplined workout schedule!! I ran last night for about half an hour. It felt so good. I also did a couple sets of crunches and some weights. I felt so great last night!!! I am a bit tired this morning. My morning coffee is hopefully going to wake me up!!
I wasn't expecting to loose a pound this week. I am pleasantly surprised! Yeah, me!!
-Until tomorrow
August 6, 2007
36.Get up a 5am for 5 workdays in a row
August 4, 2007
Harry Potter...Final Question

Photo shoot
Today was my one year old photo shoot. I had just woken up from my morning nap about 45 minutes before. The photographer was making really funny noises and I was looking at her like she was crazy. I started hamming it up and sticking my lips out half way through. The photographer asked if I needed any music. I am a professional if you consider how many photos my mommy has taken of me in my lifetime!!
August 3, 2007
Friday's Feast

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
There was an email that went around with photos of a camouflage wedding. The bride was dressed in camo and all the bridesmaids as well as the groom and groomsmen. The cake was camo and all the flowers looked like reeds and cattails. It really made me laugh out loud.
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Hello Kitty
Main Course
Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.
His name was Mr. Monk and he was my 8th grade science teacher. He was hilarious and really fun. We took a field trip to his house (he lived across the street from school) and he introduced us to his pet ferret. It smelled really bad. He said that he couldn't smell it because he had lost his sense of smell. 8th grade was a long time ago, but I remember his class being really fun because he taught with a sense of humor.
Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that these questions are hard. I haven't been this stumped in a while!
Harry Potter...Question Five
Question Five:
I'll make this quick: I've read some reviews, and there are some who feel a bit cheated by the ending battle. Some feel that Jo found a sneaky way to keep our hero alive. So, should Harry have died? Or was his willingness enough?
I feared for a long time after reading book 6, that J.K. was going to kill Harry. If she would have done that, it would have been one of the greatest upsets EVER! I loved the way she creatively kept Harry alive. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Harry is truly a hero.
August 2, 2007
Harry Potter...Question Three & Four
When Harry said Voldemort and the hunters came to get them. I went back and re-read the part when Harry, Ron & Hermione disapparated from the wedding to a street. I wanted to see who said Voldemort when the men showed up in the restaurant.
The conversation at the end between Harry & Dumbledore, that was puzzling to me. The baby crying. I haven't had the time to re-read it yet. I'll eventually get to it.
I really haven't had a lot of time to read interviews and articles on the book. I would really like to read some and get a little more perspective on a lot of the book.
Thankful Thursday...
This week my life feels like it has gotten back to "normal". Whatever normal is. Nothing crazy has happened...yet. I have so much to be thankful I could just go on and on some weeks. Here is what is on my thankful mind today:
- I am so thankful for God's grace. No matter how angry I get or how much I mess up, my Savior loves me, unconditionally!
- I am so thankful for my health and Lil'D's health. We have both been really healthy for the past week. Praise the Lord!
- I am so thankful for J. He has stepped up and taken over doing all the cleaning and laundry during the week. With both of us working full time, it is so difficult to stay on top of it. We made a compromise: he gets home at around 3:30. He does a load of laundry and whatever is on the cleaning schedule for that day, then he starts dinner. By the time i pick up Lil'D and get home it is 5:30 or 5:45pm. We eat together as a family and then have family time with Lil'D. I don't have to stress out about the house getting out of control. I will do my share on Fridays and some on the weekends. Now when the weekends arrive I'm not stressed out about getting everything done in one day. My husband is such an awesome man of God!
- I am so thankful for my job. The kitchen and bath industry is really super slow right now. Most people are not remodeling like they used to. BUT, in my little world with "senior" designer, I am completely swamped. I am running the two largest jobs in the company right now. These two jobs are each million dollar contracts and are keeping the company afloat during this slow period. I am up to my ears in drawings to complete. I am thankful for this work, and that my boss trusts me to do it!
- I am thankful that I have a wonderful vehicle to get me from place to place.
- I am thankful that I have an extremely selfless sister-in-law that loves Lil'D so much and helps out ANY way she can.
Gotta get back to work. My motherboard on my computer at work failed yesterday, so I am running on a temporary computer setup until something is decided on what my new computer will be..tower or laptop.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!! For more Thankful Thursday lists go here!
-Until tomorrow