February 6, 2007

Usual day...

Woke up the usual time, left the house the usual time, got Lil'D to daycare at the usual time, I got to work at the usual time. Today was just like all the other days. I worked, I drove home.
J & I went for a walk with Lil'D. J made dinner, I fed Lil'D: Carrots & Bananas were on the menu tonight. J & I had steak! Lil'D and I played for a while. I stacked his cups and he knocked them down. I put them far away and he pulled himself to them. Then we played flip Lil'D upside down. He laughed and laughed! I think I wore him out. We gave him a bath, then fed him his bottle. To bed he went at 7:45. He goes to bed so good! I cleaned up the place and sat down for some brainless tv. We watched American Idol and House. Time for bed now.
-Until tomorrow

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